Goal: $20,000.00
Specific Need
LAWS is Loudoun County’s designated service provider for adult, youth, and child survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Our free, confidential, and voluntary services include emergency domestic violence shelter, advocacy services, legal services, and therapy services. LAWS is also working to stop violence before it starts through our Prevention and Outreach programming.
Your support has a tangible impact on a survivor’s journey. See how below:
Every $250 allows us to provide one night of emergency shelter, including food and emergency supplies.
For every $500 raised, we can provide two hours of legal counsel for a survivor.
A $1,000 contribution cover a forensic interview training for our Child Advocacy Center team.
Donations of $2,500 help us sponsor a six-week support group for survivors of domestic violence.
A $5,500 donation supports one month of 24/7 coverage for our hotline.
Thank you for helping build communities where the foundation of every relationship is safety, hope, and empowerment!
LAWS' mission is to provide victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse with safety, hope and empowerment services to live as survivors free from the effects of violence.
In FY 2023, LAWS:
Provided direct intervention and prevention services to over 1,200 individuals through direct services.
Provided 3,772 bed nights of emergency shelter to 174 adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
Responded to 1,460 crisis hotline calls on the LAWS’ 24-hour Crisis Hotline.
Assisted 274 victims through LAWS’ Legal Services.
Provided 739 adult and child victims of domestic violence, providing 3,803 hours of advocacy services including: safety planning, crisis intervention, information and referral services, and other support.
Provided forensic interviews and advocacy services to 178 child survivors of child abuse and their non-offending family members.
Armed 539 community members with prevention strategies through LAWS’ Prevention & Outreach Programming.