Women and Girls Inspiring STEM Excellence (WISE)

Goal: $5,000.00

Specific Need

We are a non-profit that is seeking funds for operations, STEM Hub platform and marketing our free services. 


We seek to inspire women and girls of color to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) confidently to achieve and maintain success in their academic and professional lives.  


Women and Girls Inspiring STEM Excellence  (WISE) is a non-profit focused on closing the gap in education equity for young women and girls of color to maintain and sustain their interest in STEM beginning in the third grade through college, as well as help them obtain and retain careers in STEM. 

Overview of our programmatic focus to create S.M.A.R.T. pathways for participant growth and development. 

Educate > Educate girls of color starting in third grade through tertiary education with a specific focus on girls in underserved communities. To provide targeted in person and virtual educational supplemental tutoring using e-learning, one-on-one tutoring, workshops, and training programs. This area will focus on GPA Targets, Academic Course Recommendations and Tutoring Services.

Inform > Provide educational manuals, toolkits, programs, and lists of resources for women and girls of color. This includes information Scholarship Opportunities and College Open House Events.   

Mentor > Identify industry relevant professional mentors who are approachable and compassionate for women and girls participating in WISE. The mentors will work on multiple levels by supporting the mentee in meeting essential STEM academic requirements, helping her envision and take steps toward the career she desires, and provide advice on how to develop their STEM careers.

Inspire > Help inspire women and girls of color to overcome obstacles and take advantage of STEM opportunities to shape their goals and aspirations as well as through visually demonstrating the lifestyle of STEM professionals.

Partner > Collaborate with businesses, interest-based organizations, schools, governments, individuals, or combinations to increase the likelihood of achieving our respective mission and to amplify our reach.

WISE is a 100% volunteer led organization. We are seeking funds to hire a part time Executive Director, programming, and operations.


22375 Broderick Drive, Unit 270
Sterling, VA 20166
Phone: (703) 829-6409

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