Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains

Specific Need

It is the job of the Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains to help protect the mountains and to help us all enjoy their many quiet benefits. We do this by providing information on the immediate and practical benefits of the mountain slopes and the cover of undisturbed grasses and trees. We do this by drawing attention to numerous activities and developments that will compromise the ability of the mountains to clean our air and clean our water. And we do this by occasionally suggesting we pause in our struggles and simply recognize and appreciate what we have in our own backyard. 

Please help Friends of the Blue Ridge continue that which we have been doing for over a decade and to do more of it.   All contributions are appreciated and will help us continue. 


To preserve, enhance and celebrate the Blue Ridge Mountains as a valuable resource and treasured space for present and future generations


Friends of the Blue Ridge Mountains (FBRM) was formed as a 501(c)(3) organization in 2007 in response to the recognized threat to the mountains from development, and environmental deterioration.

Friends is the only conservation organization in the region with the Blue Ridge Mountains as its focus.

In the course of our 14 years we have initiated a variety of successful programs and projects including partnering with other conservation organizations such as the Virginia Native Plant Society and the National Wildlife Federation.

In addition to the Board of Directors, three standing committees focus, respectively, on land use; member and donor development; and celebrations, communications, and outreach.

Friends participates in various local festivals and hosts events each year to celebrate the mountains and engage membership. Friends also plays an advocacy role in addressing issues relevant to our mission with local counties and with the Loudoun Board of Supervisors. Each year Friends presents the Friend of the Mountain Award to an individual or group that has made a significant contribution on behalf of the Blue Ridge.  Friends annually presents the Jane Pratt and Jed Shilling Blue Ridge Mountains Education Award to encourage students to become stewards of the environment, as well as special awards at the Loudoun County Public Schools Regional Science & Engineering Fair.  


PO Box 1002
Purcellville, VA 20134
Phone: 703-956-9151

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