Goal: $5,000.00
Specific Need
The goal is $5,000 this year to support Arts for All. Donations support scholarships for participants who may not otherwise be able to participate in a professional theater or visual arts program with Arts for All. Inc which is one of the most well respected inclusive arts organizations in Northern VA. 80% of our participants are those with a disability, seen or unseen, who develop talent and skill as artists and performers. Our non profit organization is also engaged in long term fiscal planning with need to expand our development and fundraising efforts. All donations assist in current operational needs as well as fiscal stability of long term planning for continuation of the services we have offered Loudoun County for over 35 years. Thank you so much for your generous support.
Arts for All Loudoun provides exceptional opportunities in Loudoun County, VA, for artists and performers with and without disabilities to participate together in a creative, inclusive community.
Arts for All (AFA) - Loudoun, is a non-profit organization offering performing and visual arts opportunities fully inclusive of people with disabilities and has been serving Loudoun County for over 35 years. Award winning artists for Arts for All in Loudoun, VA offer theater and fine arts programs for those of all abilities, fostering skills development and social engagement.
Participating artists act, sing, dance, draw, and paint. Loudoun organizations have been supportive partners collaborating on programs with Arts for All in Loudoun County, with 80% of our participants with some seen or unseen disability. The trained staff members within our visual and performing arts programs nurture unique talent within each participant as they collaborate in the group environment where social and artistic skills are enhanced and friendships are formed. Arts for All has served individuals between ages 8 to 50 plus years old.
In March 2025 Arts for All Loudoun is producing the production of Mary Poppins, Jr. at Franklin Park Arts Center in Purcellville, VA. The March 20th 7pm performance will be a sensory friendly performance and will feature a sign language interpreter. It will also be live streamed! Check out our web site https://www.artsforallloudoun.org and find out where you can view the Arts for All art! https://www.artsforallloudoun.org/exhibits-and-shows.html