Goal: $5,000.00
Specific Need
We are seeking support to sustain our initiative that offers scholarships to in college students. This program supplies sustainable funding to help students complete their education and prepare to enter the pipeline of the future workforce. Our aim this year is to provide two scholarships necessitating a contribution of $10 to $50 per donor. We kindly ask you to consider making a donation to support us, which will significantly help us achieve our goal.
Our focus areas include eeducational scholarships, mpowering families, fostering economic wealth, enhancing our environment, and uplifting our local community. We are dedicated to making a significant impact in these domains, reflecting our mission and purpose. Guided by our multi-annual theme, "Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood," the Psi Rho Omega chapter is committed to fortifying our bonds of sisterhood and delivering unparalleled community service.
Our other efforts are concentrated on implementing a multi-generational strategy to strengthen families across Loudoun communities. This involves tackling child hunger, fostering positive development and leadership in youth, providing scholarships for high school and college students, supporting mental health, and enhancing the quality of life for seniors. Through these initiatives, we aim to address the diverse needs of families in our community, ensuring support and opportunities for all ages.
Photos & Videos
High School - College Fair Day
Youth Leadership Institute & Environmental Sustainment
Scholarship Ceremony Celebration
Scholarship Presentation
Our Scholar Pipeline
Ceremony Program Celebration
Scholar Program
College Scholar Appreciation Video