Dulles South Neighborhood Closet

Goal: $2,000.00

Specific Need

Dulles South Neighborhood Closet is seeking funds to reduce local clothing insecurity.


Helping Dulles South residents gain access to needed clothing through free community-wide clothing exchanges, an Emergency Clothing Closet, and other assistance. 


Founded in March 2020, the nonprofit Dulles South Neighborhood Closet has helped hundreds of low-income families in South Riding, Aldie, and Brambleton gain access to needed clothing. Dulles Closet’s free clothing events in 2024 served 1706 unique people from 355 households. More than 34,500,000 pounds of clothing was distributed. Our Emergency Clothing Closet also served an additional 140 people from 56 families and helped to restock a public school’s clinic or clothing closet 14 times. We are 100% volunteer run. Your 2025 Give Choose donation will allow Dulles South Neighborhood Closet to continue to assist any neighbor who is unable to adequately clothe themselves or their family. More than 98% of our guests are Loudoun residents and 85% come with a referral by the Dulles South Food Pantry, Loudoun County Public Schools, or a partner organization. We serve refugees, recent immigrants, people experiencing homelessness, foster children, single mothers, the working poor, and anyone else who needs clothing.

More information and photos are available at DullesCloset.org.  

Photos & Videos

Volunteer crew helping organize the Emergency Closet March 2023.
Volunteer crew helping organize the Emergency Closet March 2023.
Volunteers December 2022 at Lightridge High School.
Volunteers December 2022 at Lightridge High School.
Student volunteers at a Lightridge High School community clothing event in December 2022.
Student volunteers at a Lightridge High School community clothing event in December 2022.
Ready for guests before a December 2022 clothing event at Lightridge High School.
Ready for guests before a December 2022 clothing event at Lightridge High School.
Some of the 400+ youth and adults who volunteered in 2022 seen helping at Lunsford Middle School.
Some of the 400+ youth and adults who volunteered in 2022 seen helping at Lunsford Middle School.
Children's shoes are always in high demand, Lightridge High School, December 2021.
Children's shoes are always in high demand, Lightridge High School, December 2021.
Sorting through clothing donated for Afghan evacuees at Lightridge High School September 2021.
Sorting through clothing donated for Afghan evacuees at Lightridge High School September 2021.
Children's room at a clothing event at Community Baptist Church, August 2020.
Children's room at a clothing event at Community Baptist Church, August 2020.
Children's clothing in the Emergency Closet.
Children's clothing in the Emergency Closet.
Winter coat event at Prosperity Baptist Church, November 2020.
Winter coat event at Prosperity Baptist Church, November 2020.


PO Box 34
Aldie, VA 20105
Phone: (703) 957-8044

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